Monday, September 10, 2007

Finally bought a ps3 game

So the title says it all I finally bought a game for my PS3. As many of you might already know I decided to get Lair. It didn't get the greatest reviews from some sites, but after having played it I'm not sure where they are coming from. Most that have played the game either love it or hate it. It is my opinion that this stems from the controls. If you're familiar with the Wii and know how to use the motion control this game will be easy for you. If you've never experienced it before I'd recommend going through all the training missions to get a good feel for how it works. As a matter of fact I'd recommend going through all the training missions even if you are comfortable with the motion control. Some of the complaints that critics have had seem silly to me after going through the training missions.

The graphics in the game are very enjoyable. I also find the game play pretty fun. So to sum up I'd probably give it around an 8 out of 10.


Sushiboy said...

Looks neeto. I'm looking forward to Wrath of Fire for the Wii. I'm digging the whole motion sensing games. This one seems to have some potential. I hope they don't squander it.

DadGuy said...

Grats on the new game! Sounds like it's pretty fun.

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